Monday, March 5, 2007

Birthday Girl

How did I get to be such a lucky girl!? I had the best birthday ever!! It all started a few months ago when my nephew had a birthday and his friends decorated his locker. My sister-in-law was nervous about his friends having his combo until I told her that my friends and I did that all the time in high school. I then continued to tell her that I was always so sad because I always decorated thier lockers but never had mine decorated. Well, back to present day, I woke up on Saturday to find my door decorated in paper, ballons, flower petals and kisses on the ground and a note saying that since I never got my locker decorated she wanted to do something even better...decorate my door!! I was so excited and touched. I left the decorations up all day so everyone could see how thoughtful she was. That was however, close to tourcher for Cade because I wouldnt let him take a balloon off the door...mean I know!!
The day continued with fun time with Cade and then Jared later in the day, he had a convention most of the day. Later that night Jared suprised me with a dinner at a fun Indian resturaunt with family and friends. We had our own private room at the resturaunt with fun decor, music, and complete with sitting on the floor to eat. I was so excited to see some family from Utah that drove down for my birthday as well as family and friends from Vegas. I totally forgot my camera but others took pictures that will be posted later. The day was full of phone calls from loved ones, beautiful flowers (I love them!!) a bunch of gift certificates and a card to get a massage at an awesome spa in Vegas (thanks Melis!!)
I was also so lucky to get to have my mom come and spend a few days with me before my birthday. It was such a joy to have her here...we all love it when she comes to visit. I honestly feel like the luckiest girl in the world!! My sweet husband is so thoughtful, my little one is just a joy, and my family is so willing to come and let me know that they love me, even if it is a huge sacrifice. I love you guys and am so thankful for all of you and all you do!!


{B}dreamy said...

Happy, happy birthday, Lacey dear! Happy days will come to you all year! If I had a wish, that wish would be: a happy, happy birthday to you from me!

You are one lucky girl! I'm so glad you had such a great day!


Clarissa Meegan said...

Happy, Happy late birthday! I had totally forgotten that your birthday was on the third! But know that I have thought about you a lot this week. This picture of you is so great! And always, love the curls (perm or no).

The Probert Family said...

Happy Late Birthday, Girl! How are you so skinny?!?! And so stylish. You're one of those people who is permanently your make-up always looks fresh and your hair always looks un-touched by the elements. What a beaut!