Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pathetic...Yet True

The other day we decided to sit down as a family and play with some toys. Due to Cades recent fascination with putting things together we decided that Potato Head would be the perfect toy. For Christmas my mom and dad gave Cade a giant potato head with lots of little spuds and their accessories inside. As soon as the top came off of the big one Cade dumped all of the pieces out onto the floor and sadly, that is were his involvement ended. Jared and I got so into building these silly things and kept saying, "no, no, no, don't take the arm off, I am making a pirate," or "hey, I was going to use that mouth," or "could you take Cade in the other room while I finish?" Pathetic, I know, but true.
We had so much fun and were just busting a gut while we made the little potato heads into characters. Poor Cade, just looked at us as if we had lost it, and I guess in a way we had. It is amazing how you forget how much fun you had playing with toys when you were little and how easy it is to become territorial of something you have created. Needless to say, we were both proud of our creations and Cade was happy when it was time to put the toys away.


Clarissa Meegan said...

Gracie has this same big potato head...and we love it! I admit--I get pretty into the potato put togethers as well...glad I'm not the only one!

Tiffany said...

Where did your Mom get that? What a cute toy that Cameron would love! And I have to tell you... one of my friends was over today with her little 15 month old- she had the big lego's with her. Her and I got so into building towers as tall as we could and her son and Cameron kept knocking them over. We found ourselves getting frustrated because they kept knocking it over! We got a little bit too "into" it!

Alli said...

That's too funny! I love the one the the pink, frizzy hair. S/he's so funny!!

Joyce said...

How fun! It is always fun to play like kids sometimes! :)

{B}dreamy said...

Hilarious! Wouldn't that be a fun idea for a group date (sans kids)? Everyone borrow/bring their favorite toys that they grew up with and just play. Hmmm...