Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Tag! You're It!

I am it! I was recently tagged by my long lost friend Candra. So I am now part of the game, which means if you are reading this you have already or soon will be also. The rules are as follows..."Each player of this game starts with "6 Weird Things about You". People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!" The idea is to read about peoples' funny quirks and see where you have some in common. So, here it goes.

1. I have to sleep with something over my eyes. I usually prefer to use an arm of a sweatshirt but I am willing to use a blanket, shirt, pillowcase, whatever is soft. However, I cannot have anything over my mouth or nose, just my eyes, or I feel claustrophobic. I think that this quirkiness started in college when I was trying to sleep but my roomie needed the light on to get homework done, I am not sure but I always sleep better with something over my eyes.

2. When I shower I do not like to have the lights on. I would rather light from a window light the room or a candle if there isn't a window in the bathroom. For some reason it is more relaxing to me to have either natural light or candle light when I am singing in the shower.

3. I have a perm. My hair is naturally very straight. For some odd reason I really like it when people think that it is natural. There are actually some people in my ward that keep holding out for Cades hair to be curly. I just cant find it in me to tell them that it will never happen.

4. I am a total creature of habit. I find true comfort in routine and perdicitability. Jared usually knows where to find me at any given time because I am so predictable. I think I was the worst when I was pregnant with Cade because I would even eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day. For some reason I thought it calmed my stomach. Strange I know.

5. I LOVED being pregnant!! I loved all of it except for that weird stage when you don't look pregnant just like you have gained a few pounds. I was totally anti maternity pants too because they made me feel old so I was on a continual quest to find normal pants that would fit, and I was actually able to do it. Oh thank heavens for low rise jeans. However, my biggest fear when I was pregnant was that I would have an ugly baby. The kind that people look at and say "oh, he's cute" but when they leave all they can say is "wow, that was one ugly kid." I don't know why that scared me because I think he turned out just perfect.

6. I hated, loathed, despised the name Cade. I thought it was the worst white trash name I had ever heard but Jared loved it. The whole time I was pregnant he would call the baby "Cade" however I was bound and determined to name him anything but Cade. Well, the day came and he was born. Jared told me that I could have the final say with his name and sure enough the moment that they handed him to me and I looked into his eyes I knew he was our little Cade. However, I was in denial about it for two days and tried to call him many different names but none of them fit like Cade. So now, even though I usually have to spell his name for people because they think I say Kate, Cain, or Kay I have grown to love it and think it is a great name for a great kid.

Okay now it is your turn. I know that according to the rules I am supposed to tag 6 people however, I do not know 6 people with blogs and most of those that I do know have already been tagged. So, I am going to only tag 2 and hope that someone else will pick up my slack. Joyce and Alli you are it! (Alli, this gives you an excuse and an obligation to start a blog)


Clarissa Meegan said...

A perm? What happened to the days of egg whites and sugar???! Either way, you look "eggstra" beautiful (just had to throw the joke in since it has been a few years!)

Clarissa Meegan said...

p.s. I think that Mona truly did help to relieve some pre-marriage anxiety. Ha! Ha!