Tuesday, February 6, 2007


It is so so so so COLD in Ohio. The boys have had the past two days of school cancelled because of the temperatures. That is just way too cold for me!! Yesterday I forgot Cades sippy cup in the car that was parked in the garage. The next morning I went to get it out of the car and low and behold it was frozen solid. I was so amazed. I had to run it under hot water just to get it open and then once I could twist the top off I pulled out a giant ice cube that was connected to the top. It was unreal. This is why I live in Las Vegas. Being here has made me even more thankful for and tolerant of the heat.


The Probert Family said...

That's enough to make a girl sick.

Anonymous said...

I will try again to leave a comment. You are the best and I love your blog. GM

Anonymous said...

It worked. I love every thing on your blog. You are so good at telling anything and everything. I am so glad you had a good time in Ohio. Give Jared and Cade and you all my LOVE...GM