Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Running Fast and Birthday Songs

I found these shoes on clearance at Target for $3.00 so I thought that I would give them a shot. I was tempted to not even give them to Cade because they wont fit for much longer but thought that I couldnt go wrong with $3.00 so I broke them out. As soon as I pulled them out of the box Cade went crazy with excitement and was on cloud nine. We put them on while we were watching Clifford and all Cade wanted to do was put his feet up to the TV and show Clifford his new shoes. We then headed outside to run some errands and Cade could not stop running. He would run and run and then look at me and say, "very fast, mom, very fast!" He hasn't stopped running since.
Our birhtday celebrations started first thing yesterday morning when Cade woke up and walked out of his room and said, "Its my birthday!!!" I was so surprised that he remembered but he was so excited. Every where we went he would tell everyone, "I two!" He definitely miked his birthday for all that it was worth! To wrap up the celebration we had a little BBQ Baseball party with a few friends from the ward. He was so excited to show off his baseball cake and was happier than usual to pose for a picture, that was until we started to sing "happy birthday." I dont know what it was but he first tried to hide behind his hands and then when it didnt stop he stared crying. It was sad but in reality it was really cute.

He got lots of fun presents that you can see that he was very, very, very excited about. Curious Gerorge and Elmo books, bubbles, cars, balls, airplanes, tools, all of his FAVORITE things!

The night ended with a bang and he got to chow down on his cake. He was so excited with everything going on he just didnt know where to go next. He is such a goof and is so much fun to have around!


Alli said...

Happy Birthday Cade-o! He looks so cute in all of these pictures. I can't believe that he is TWO!! Holy smokes!

{B}dreamy said...

We have those EXACT same shoes (same price, same store, everything)!!! And I can't believe how much Cade talks. Impressive my man.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday my sweet Cado,

I loved, loved, loved, beyond words, loved having you here at my home. uma loves you so much. If you want candy for breakfast--I will make it happen, If you want to play past your bed time--no problem---if you want a drink of uma's juice...I have to ask Daddy. Happy birthday sweet boy!

Lacey Anne---eat healthy, make sure you go to bed on time and never, I repeat never drink uma juice.

What happens to a mother when she become a grandmother???I think I have a screw loose.

I love you Lacey and Jared and my Cado!!!


Grandma Vicki said...

Happy Birthday to Cade-0, there is nothing sweeter and cuter that a two year old. If uma won't give him anything he wants grandma will and make it double to uma.
I love you all.
Mother of a two year old...It seems only yesterday when you were two and were the cutest two year old ever. You could tell time and your age at the same time. Your were a genius.
Love, GM