Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Challenge

I have decided to try and pick up my camera more often and hopefully improve my photography knowledge. It is always fun to take pictures of Cade but it gets boring when they are always in the same place and usually surrounding the same activity. So I decided to take a photography challenge and pick up on my "One a Day" blog. Week 1 is all about "Our shoes" and will be posted here but the rest will be on my other blog that can be found here or to the left. Have fun and hopefully I can keep it up!

“The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that fits all cases”

Carl Gustav Jung

Here is the list of what is to come....
Week 1: Our Shoes
Week 2: Our Breakfast
Week 3: Hallways
Week 4: Transportation
Week 5: Connected
Week 6: Love
Week 7: Stripes
Week 8: Drama
Week 9: Perspective
Week 10: Transactions
Week 11: Precious
Week 12: Rituals
Week 13: Yellow
Week 14: Heat
Week 15: Heritage
Week 16: Pride
Week 17: Birth
Week 18: Partnership
Week 19: After Dark
Week 20: Smile
Week 21: Finale
week 22: Start Of Summer
Week 23: Challenge
Week 24: Blue
Week 25: Work
Week 26: Half
Week 27: Home
Week 28: Water
Week 29: Green
Week 30: Summertime
Week 31: Communication
Week 32: Summer Produce
Week 33: Where are you?
Week 34: The End of the Beginning
Week 35: One of these things is not like the others
Week 36: The Green Eyed Monster
Week 37: Passion
Week 38: Numbers
Week 39: Toys
Week 40: Bizarre
Week 41: Red
Week 42: Depth
Week 43: Fire
Week 44: Music
Week 45: My Favorite Place
Week 46: Fun
Week 47: Spirit


sillyhaywardfamily said...

looks like a fun goal!!! Good luck!!!!

alliehoopes said...

What a great list! Seriously! I've noticed that in my Lily pictures there are a lot of repeats....just in different outfits. I'm printing this out RIGHT NOW.

Alli said...

Awesome idea! I am so excited to see all of your pictures. I love your list. Only my sister can make a list like that!!

Camille said...

What an awesome idea! I want to join, where do I sign up? Can't wait to see your pictures!

Sarah Larsen said...

Thank you so much!!!

{B}dreamy said...

Awesome shots Lace! You're always chalk FULL of ideas lady. *B

Anonymous said...

Lacey.....I am excited to see what all of your talent will create. You are the best and I love you.

CCmomma said...

That's sweet! I didn't know you took photography in school. Looks great!I checked out your other site too!

Ashley said...

OHHH I want to do this... where did you get the list. that would be so fun. And your pictures turned out awesome.