Friday, September 14, 2007

Low and Behold

Can you believe child actually looks like ME!! I totally think he looks like Jared and so does everyone else but according to this fun little program I can claim him as mine! Side note: the pictures are not that great. It is hard to find close ups of myself and Jared, we are always on the other side of the camera but if you want one of the neighbor, relative, or the mailman I am sure that I have one taken and saved on my computer :)


{B}dreamy said...

Yay for you! I'm so going to have to try this! I've done the celebrity look-alike one... funness!

Joyce said...

Too cute! I bet that was fun to see how he looked more like! :)

Dad - Alpha Male - Jay (You Choose) said...

If Cade has your looks and Jared's football abilities he will go a long way!!!!

Grandma Vicki said...

I still think he looks more like his daddy. He has your chin and your nose in the picture. No matter how you look at it he is adorable. He is lucky to have two such good looking parents. I think you should put my picture on there and see if he could have some of my beautiful looks.
Love ya,