Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Oh Happy Day!!

In interest of our budget I only enter the doors of Costco one time a month. I looked in my fridge this morning and decided that the time had come to make the "trip." It is always such a beautiful moment when you can open the fridge and have it look somewhat full. It is funny how when you become a mom that it is the smallest things that can offer enjoyment.
Bringing the food into the house is always the longest process. Once I loaded most of the food onto the stroller (it is easier to roll the food to the door rather than carry it) and stopped with Cade to look at all the airplanes flying by we finally made it to the house. Once I got him situated and turned on baby einstine to capture his attention I grabed the stroller and made one last run to the car. On my way back I looked down the sidewalk to see that my little munchkin had ditched baby einstine and had found a way to open the front door and quickly made it to the fence and was jibber jabbering to the kids walking home from school. It was just too stinking funny. He thought that he was so big.

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