Sunday, February 15, 2009

Little Did I Know

This week 5 years ago I met him. He was sweet, charming, and completely unexpected.

Our first date was on a Thursday... I oddly felt like I was with my long lost best friend.

On Sunday I met his family... and was awestruck by how much he loved them and how much they loved him.

And by Friday I knew only 2 things...
1. I was completely and utterly in love with this boy... and...
2. Marrying him would be the best decision I would ever make.

Here I am now 5 years later. I know a lot more now but would I have ever expected my journey to lead me here...?
Would I do it all over again...?

I love you...
crazy and all.


The Mrs. said...

I would love to hear more of the story, since I have never heard it!!


Clarissa Meegan said...

So sweet! I still can't believe that I've never met him. One of these days...

Alli said...

So sweet. I love you, sister!

Grandma Vicki said...

How lucky are you to have three such hamsome and beautiful boys.