Monday, February 18, 2008


I have been thinking a lot about life lately. A subject that I am not quite sure how to wrap my words around but none the less has been weighing heavily on my mind and in my heart. There are so many aspects to this thing we call Life, this journey that we are all on. I am continually amazed at the different paths we are all on, the different trials we experience, the varying emotions we feel but are all still striving for the same ultimate goal....Happiness.
How often we loose that simple moment. That quiet moment. That fleeting moment. How often we allow the happiness that is so willingly around us to be banished by the hustle and bustle of life, the frustration of a moment, or the craziness of a day. How often we forget. We forget that life is so precious, so fragile, so simple.
I have been touched by so many friends and loved ones, by their strength, by their example. I often get too caught up in the "stressful" things in life that I assume that I have been dealt a "difficult" hand at times. I forget the goodness, the happiness, the peace that I experience in my every day experiences and allow it to be tainted by the insignificant things in life. To be replaced by a hectic morning, a learning toddler, a misinterpreted comment, a too long to-do list. I too often forget.
I cannot pinpoint the reason for this post but I have known that I have needed to write it for quite a while. I have needed to say thank you to those who have shared heartache and happiness, those that have been honest and willing to be vulnerable, those that have been so patient and such examples of strength. I have needed to remind myself that life is happy. That moments get hard but those are fleeting and needed. That there is so much goodness in life, in people, in the gospel. That it is the small moments, the tucking in moments, the singing song moments, the playing blocks moments, the snuggling moments, the saying prayers moments that ooze with joy.
I encourage every one, mostly myself, to reevaluate. To stop. To listen. To be grateful. It is the small things in life that add up. It is the small moments that build the biggest memories and the strongest foundations of strength for the stormy times. Don't forget to give the hugs. Don't forget to say the thank yous and express the joyful feelings. Don't forget to drink in those quiet moments of peace to allow them to penetrate deep within, to accept them as gifts from our Heavenly Father. Don't forget to smile. Don't forget to enjoy.
Life gets stormy, rocky, and incredibly overwhelming at times but we will not drowned. Allow the heavy moments to be those that are fleeting, not those that are the rock. Be still and allow the happiness to consume will.

Thank you again to all of those that have shared your moments of truth. Your defining experiences. Your life changing lessons. You have touched my heart more than you know and have inspired me to reach higher and enjoy the moments I have been blessed with. You are in my heart and in my prayers. Thank you again.


Clarissa Meegan said...

You're so sweet, Thanks for the reminder...this is one we all need!

Alli said...

Thank you for you post. It was not only greatly appreciated, but it was greatly needed.

michellecluff said...

...says Lacey, the next General Relief Society President!! You really are an amazing person and a very beautiful writer/speaker. I think you should write a book!

Shannan said...

Lacey, that was a great post. It is such a true statement- all of it. There are certain times where we just need to stop and listen and enjoy. I have learned a lot about trials and experiences in this last week. I know God is there for us without a doubt. How great it is to have him on our side. Love ya sis.

Anonymous said...

To Lacey...thanks to you who has made my life a wonderful and happy one. I treasure every minute that you have been in my life and the total joy that you have given to me. I am so lucky that you are part of me. Thanks also, for giving me Jared and the C-Baby and the new baby. I love you more that you will ever know.

Tiffany said...

Thanks for that post - what an important reminder! Sorry it took so long to get back to you we were out of town all weekend - so to answer some of your questions ... We live in St. George - not too far from you - I hear ya on the weather in the summers it gets so hot here - but the rest of the year the weather is awesome. I have sure grown to love it down here. I'm not working I just stay home with Andie and I love every second of it. My family is doing great - my Dad was actually diagnosed with cancer this past year, so scarey, but they were able to get it all with surgery luckily. Everyone is doing well - Amy was on my blog and saw your comment and looked at your blog and she was telling me how dang cute she thought your were - I agree fully!! How is your family? That's funny just a few weeks ago I was thinking about your Mom - what a great lady she is!! Yes I love my camera so much I got a Canon, I was deciding out of the Nikon or a Canon and it was a hard decision so I basically just flipped a coin (not really but ya know). I love it because I am so into photography right now. Your little boy is absolutely darling. Very cute family. Are you guys planning on staying in Vegas or is this just temporary? Hope all is well with you sounds as though it is - hope to hear from you soon!

{B}dreamy said...

You're amazing and sweet. Thanks for being an example to me. *B

Daynes Family said...

Very well said, what a good reminder for all of us.

Camille said...

Great post! Always a good reminder.

Kelsey Ann said...

Thank you for your words! I love you Lacey and appreciate your friendship. I wish we talked more so I could have even more of you rub off on me. You were once my best friend, my light, the person I came home to and told all about the ups and downs of my day. I looked forward to our talks over cold ceral with at 1:00 a.m.
I don't think friendships like that ever leave you. They stay and help to shape the person you are today. This is what you have done for me and I will forever be in debt to you for your great example.
I love and miss you more than you know!

CCmomma said...

Ditto K&m! It was great to read that. Just today i thought, i'm not going to do anything that occupies my time away from my girls today. i got to cuddle with Brielle and watch the same old Little Einstiens on DVR and it was great just kissing her head and stopping all the craziness!

Joyce said...

What a great post! You are so amazing!! :)

I can't to see you in a couple weeks! :)