Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I Love to See the Temple...I'm Going There Someday

Yesterday Cade and I were working on a little Valentines project when this conversation took place...

Cade: I want to go to the temple, mom, I lobe (love) it!
Me: You love the temple? I love it too.
Cade: Yes, I lobe (love) it lots and lots!
Me: I love it lots and lots too Cade-o
Cade: I get in Daddy's green car and go to Jesus house, okay mom?

Melt my heart. The topic of the temple came out of nowhere... Just a little proof that there is a lot more going on in little ones minds than we think. I love that little boy!


Clarissa Meegan said...

It's always nice to hear that something is sinking in! Way to go Mom!

Anonymous said...

Cado, Uma wants to go to the temple with you. We can sit by the fountain, we can walk around the beautiful building and we can get big hamburgers/fries/uma juice and sit in the temple park and just admire it.
Oh yea, let's invite your mommy and daddy to go too!!!


sillyhaywardfamily said...

That's so cute that cade wants to go to jesus house !!! I miss you buddy!!!!

Camille said...

SO cute! I think you should take him up to the temple, just stop here on your way! :-)