Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The First of Many, I am Sure...

We had a minor "ouchie" incident in our home a few days ago that required ice cream and gummies as a bribe and a dentists okay. Jared was pushing Cade on his beloved rocket, seen below, and matters got a little out of hand. Jared would give Cade a push and he would go flying across the floor, an activity that has been done many, many, many times! Well, it was the last push before we headed out the door on our "Saturday family fun" activity. Spirits were high and tantrums at a minimum, that was until Cade lost control and face planted right into the hardwood floor, chipping the floor and the tooth.
It was so sad to hear the blood curling scream and then see the blood drain from Jared's face as he realized that Cade had gotten hurt. There were quick cuddles, drinks of milk offered, and blankets pulled out of his bed, (all things that usually quiet and comfort the ouchies) but to no avail. After a call to the dentist we decided to head out to ice cream to see if we could take his mind off the pain and sure enough as soon as he saw the ice cream and endless toppings the tooth was no longer of importance.
Jared still has to fight back the tears when he sees Cades chipped tooth smile but I cant help but smile and know that it is only the beginning of many bumps, bruises and emergency trips to the doctor that will happen in the next many years of motherhood.


Grandma Vicki said...

I know that Cade will be ok, but it will take a little longer for Jared to heal. My love to Jared, I know he felt great pain. I love you all.

Joyce said...

Good thing they're just baby teeth!

Hope Jared is ok! :)

Alli said...

Ouch! I want to see some pictures!

Camille said...

I found your blog after you left a comment on Ashley's and saw that you live in Vegas too! Your little guy is SO cute, and I'm feeling for you on the chipped tooth- my 2 year old chipped his playing in the car a couple months ago. We call him Chip now, and I couldn't imagine him without it- definitely adds to the personality!