Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Average who?

Went to the doctor for the boys yearly check ups.
Cade 4 years
Height- 42 inches (75%) He jumped up and said "yes! I am getting so big!" when the nurse told him how tall he was.
Weight- 39.5 pounds (75%)

Beckam 15 months
Height- 32 inches (50%)
Weight- 25 pounds (50%)
Head circumference- 48cm (50%)
(and finally walking)

All I would like to know is who the heck are they measuring to get their percentiles because Cade is not a 75% and Beckam is definitely not a 50%....
have you held the kid!?

They both had to face the mean nurse with the shots. Beckam was quickly calmed with a sucker afterwards. Cade on the other hand... well he is still nursing his "wounds" when it is convenient (i.e. chore time, bed time, and when there are no friends to play with) I guess milk the sympathy as long as you can, right.


The Mrs. said...

Oh my!!

Agree with the percentile thing...whatever.


Shannan said...

YA, I have held him and he is a tank. WHo knows, you just shake your head and say ok. Little baby james was only 75 in height and 25 for weight. I guess he's skinny in comparison. Oh well.

Betsy said...

LOVE that picture of the boys! Those percentages must go up with very small amounts...because Ella's just a tiny bit bigger (1 inch and 1 1/2 pounds) and is in the 90-95%. Crazy!

Grandma Vicki said...

I think the nurse got a little mixed up. The adorable boys she was working with dazzled and confused her. Becks is definitely not in the 50 percent range.

Alli said...

I've only looked at this post a billion times, and I just realized I haven't commented. How rude. I am totally loving this picture. Total classic. I love Cade-o's face. I laugh every time.

Beck is average? Huh?! No way, he's definitely a macho man.

Anonymous said...

Hey... if I could get away with it I'd still be "milking" the shots I received when I was 4 too but your grandma just smacked me and said...ya big wimp...be a man, suck it up and deal with it...so I did...

Love Dad